Printed books
Digital Books
Fabien Zocco, From the Sky to the Earth
3,99 € -
App Scouts
Rainier Lericolais
Volume 7
2,99 € -
Nathalie Talec
The Secret of the World
4,99 € -
Laura Gozlan
Hierarchy of Needs
Berlin Biennale : von mir aus
Eleonore Cheneau
Cafuné 01
4,99 € -
Sarah Duby
Playing at Being Human
Florence Chevallier, Dazzle (volume 2)
4,99 €
Films & videos
Agnès Rosse, Soleil
Simon Morley, The Classless Society
Cristóbal Bouey, Le sillage de la maison des esprits
Marie-Pierre Bonniol, Neukölln, Mentale Landschaft (programme of 5 films)
Agnès Rosse, Poème écrit
Anne Rochat, Doris Magico, Back to the Wall
Pierre Villemin, Insurrection
Illés Sarkantyu, Finestra