A Room Full of Particles. A Living Archive for Isabelle Schad
This publication is based on an invitation sent to people who have contributed in one way or another to the work of choreographer Isabelle Schad throughout her artistic pathway. The idea of “telling one’s own story” by entrusting the construction of the narrative to the different actors who have witnessed her practice, has allowed us to gather fragments that constitute a living, necessarily heterogeneous archive.
The responses to this invitation, which the dramaturge Elena Basteri have named “Traces”, take the form of videos, audio tapes, texts, poems, letters, drawings and photos. They are restituted here in an organic and intuitive collection.
Authors and contributors: Elena Basteri, Josefien Beckers, Josipa Bubaš, Juan Corres Benito, Susanne Beyer, Walter Bickmann, Sonia Borkowicz, Saša Božić, Frederike Doffin, Ewa Dziarnowska, Josephine Findeisen, Susanne Foellmer, Bilqis Hijjas, Jasmin İhraç, Irmela Kästner, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Nataša Kopeč, Sasha Krustarska, Jereh Leung, Manuel Lindner, Jan Lorys, Lena Lux, Diethild Meier, Dorota Michalak, Angela Millano, Lea Moro, Hanna Sybille Müller, Laisvie Andrea Ochoa, Charlotte Pistorius, Moyra Silva Rodriguez, Martina Rösler, Damir Simunovic, Lydia Sonderegger, Nout Fanglao, Iza Szostak, Ivana Vojnič Vratarić, Natalia Wilk, Maria Zimpel
Idea and dramaturgy: Elena Basteri
Edited by: Elena Basteri, Agathe Lacroix, Manon Piel, Isabelle Schad
Proofreading: Michael Turnbull
Design: Naima
© 2021 Isabelle Schad & Naima Editions Paris-Berlin
ISBN 978-2-37440-144-7